Massage Therapy is the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, consisting primarily of manual (hands-on) techniques such as applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, and moving muscles and body tissues.
Recommended for:
- Stress
- Headache
- Backache
I use these modalities:
- Swedish
- Deep Tissue
- Connective Tissue
- Foot Reflexology
- Neuro Muscular Therapy
- Sports Massage
- Common Injury Treatment
- Stretching Programs
A group of diverse massage practices that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. Healings modalities such as those listed below involve movement of energy throughout the body using various different approaches.
Recommended for:
- Stress
- Headache
- Backache
I use these modalities:
- Male Core Bodywork & Prostate Care
- Thai Yoga Massage
- Healing Touch
- Reiki
- Polarity
- Myo-Rhythmic Balancing
- Feng Shui Orientation
Spa Treatments
Spa treatments are the services that a spa provides. The most popular spa treatment is Hot Stone Massage. Spa services are more for beauty & skin care.
Recommended for:
- Stress
- Headache
- Backache
I use these modalities:
Hot Stone
Warm Bamboo
Sticks & Stones
Body Wrapping
Sea Salt Glow
Sea Salt & Clay Body Wrap
“A Word from Roger”
“I find my role as a therapist a privilege. As a therapist I am granted permission to enter into the sacred places of my client’s lives and accompany my clients on their journey of healing. I feel grateful to be in a profession where I can witness my client’s becoming more whole.
My technique is an integration of many modalities. The base of a typical massage is Swedish. I do not follow the same sequence for each massage since no two people are the same. I work in accordance to YOU and to what your body tells me it needs. In each session I incorporate my nearly 20 years of training and experience.”

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Text: 717.575.2805